File Informations and File Toolss

Extensions de fichiers par ordre alphabétique #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Parcourir les extensions - N

    Les extensions commençant par la lettre N

Parcourir les extensions - N

# Extensions du fichier Développeur
0 .N - Neko Bytecode Format Nicolas Cannasse
1 .N-GAGE - Nokia N-Gage Application Format Nokia
2 .N2 - Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader Format Nitrous
3 .N2KM - Headshape Modding 3D Tool For 3D Studio Max Modding zsword
4 .N3D - Nuclear Studio 3D Model Format Nuclear Glory
5 .N3PMESH - Knight Online 3D Mesh Format K2 Network
6 .N64 - Nintendo 64 Emulation ROM Image Format N/A
7 .N81 - Apple IOS Kernel Cache Apple, Inc.
8 .N88 - Apple IOS Kernel Cache Apple, Inc.
9 .N90 - Apple IOS Kernel Cache Apple, Inc.
10 .N90AP - IPhone Jailbreak Firmware Apple, Inc.
11 .N92 - Apple IOS Firmware Apple, Inc.
12 .NA2 - Seamonkey Address Book Format Mozilla
13 .NAB - Netscape Communicator Addressbook AOL Inc.
14 .NACL - NameCleaner Sig Software
15 .NAF - TRAKTOR Service Native Instruments, Inc.
16 .NAL - System Management Server Network Abstraction Layer Microsoft Corporation
17 .NAM - DMAP Spreadsheet Format Alan Morton
18 .NAP - NAPLPS Vector Image Metafile N/A
19 .NAPR - NameCleaner Preference Sig Software
20 .NARC - Nintendo DS Archive Format Nintendo
21 .NARRATIVE - Mariner Software Narrator Audio Document Mariner Software, Inc.
22 .NAS - Nasal Script N/A
23 .NAV - Counter-Strike Source CBot Navigation Mesh Format Valve
24 .NAV2 - WinAVI Temporary Navigation Format ZJMedia
25 .NAVMAP - ESRI Data Esri
26 .NAZ - Total Overdose Game Data Format Deadline Games
27 .NB - Mathematica Notebook Format Wolfram Research
28 .NB0 - Google Android Compiled ROM Format N/A
29 .NB2 - Newsbin Unfinished Download DJI Interprises, LLC
30 .NB7 - NovaBACKUP Output Data Backup Format NovaStor
31 .NBA - Nero BackItUp Archive Format Nero
32 .NBAK - Neat Backup The Neat Company
33 .NBC - Next Byte Codes Source Code Format NBC
34 .NBD - PC Backup Pro Backup Format NovaStor
35 .NBE - Nessus Scan Result Format Tenable Network Security
36 .NBF - Backup NOW! Backup Archive Format NTI Corporation
37 .NBFC - Nintendo DS Nitro Basic File Character N/A
38 .NBFP - Nintedo DS Nitro Basic File Palette N/A
39 .NBFS - Nintendo DS Nitro Basic File Screen N/A
40 .NBH - HTC ROM Update Utility ROM Image Format N/A
41 .NBI - Nero BackItUp Backup Format Nero
42 .NBIN - Compiled NASL Script Tenable Network Security
43 .NBK - NovaBACKUP Script Format NovaStor
44 .NBL - Phantasy Star Universe Sega Corporation
45 .NBM - NetBeans Module Format Oracle
46 .NBP - Mathematica Notebook Format Wolfram Research
47 .NBR - Saved Benchmark Result Novawave, inc
48 .NBS - NTI Backup Now Format Based Backup Set Format David Norgren
49 .NBT - Minecraft Named Binary Tag Format Mojang
50 .NBU - Nokia PC Suite 6.82+ Backup Format Nokia
51 .NBZ - ArcSoft Total Media Backup & Record Backup ArcSoft, Inc.
52 .NC - Unidata Network Common Data Form Format CNC Software
53 .NC1 - Xsteel CAD N/A
54 .NC2 - NewsLeecher Cache
55 .NC? - FlashGet Download Manager Incomplete Download Trend Media Corporation Limited
56 .NCA - Nikon Capture Color Adjustment Nikon Corporation
57 .NCB - Microsoft Developer Studio Non-compiled Browse Format Microsoft
58 .NCC - CNC (Computer Numeric Control) Control File (CamView 3D) N/A
59 .NCD - NTI CD-Maker Disk Image N/A
60 .NCER - Nintendo DS Nitro Cell Resource N/A
61 .NCF - Steam Client Game Configuration Format Valve
62 .NCFG - ArcGIS Explorer Configuration Format ESRI
63 .NCGR - Nintendo DS Title Graphics Format Nintendo
64 .NCH - Microsoft Outlook Express Email Tree Microsoft
65 .NCI - Mastercam Toolpath CNC Software, Inc.
66 .NCLK - HTML Formatted Text N/A
67 .NCLR - Nintendo DS Color Palette Format Nintendo
68 .NCO - Nero BackItUp Compressed Backup Format Nero
69 .NCOMP - SAM Dirichlet Mixture Prior Library Richard Hughey - Kevin Karplus - Anders Krogh
70 .NCOR - Adobe Encore Project Format Adobe Systems
71 .NCORX - Adobe Encore Project Format Adobe Systems
72 .NCP - NHL Ice Hockey 2002 User NHLcards EA Sports
73 .NCR - NCR Image Image Format N/A
74 .NCS - Bioware Aurora / Obsidian Electron Compiled Script BioWare
76 .NCT - CoverDesigner Template Nero
77 .NCV - Nikon Capture Curves Nikon Corporation
78 .NCW - Nero CoverDesigner Picture Template Format Nero
79 .NCX - Navigation Control File For XML IDPF
80 .NCZ - Netcad Drawing Netcad
81 .ND - QuickBooks Network Data Format Intuit
82 .ND5 - Nintendo DS Game ROM Format N/A
83 .NDA - Nero BackItUp Drive Image Nero AG
84 .NDB - ClamAV Extended Signature Format Sourcefire
85 .NDC - IBM Personal Communications Settings Format IBM
86 .NDD - Nikon Capture Digital DEE Nikon Corporation
87 .NDF - Microsoft SQL Server Secondary Data Format Microsoft
88 .NDIF - Apple NDIF Disk Image Format Apple
89 .NDK - Lotus Notes Database Design Elements IBM
90 .NDL - Lotus Notes Data Format IBM
91 .NDM - Enemy Territory Quake Wars Demo Activision
92 .NDO - Nendo IZware LLC
93 .NDOC - Naver Word NHN
94 .NDOTS - Ribbons Ndots M.Carson
95 .NDP - Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project Brøderbund Software, Inc.
96 .NDR - RightFax Executable Open Text Corporation
97 .NDS - Nintendo DS Game ROM Image Format N/A
98 .NDT - NEPLAN External Program Import Or Export NEPLAN
99 .NDU - Symbian Phone Backup N/A
100 .NDV - ENVI N-D Visualizer State Exelis Visual Information Solutions
101 .NDW - Allplan Drawing Nemetschek AG
102 .NDX - DBase Index Format N/A
103 .NE0 - NetBSD Config NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
104 .NE1 - OM2 OMALI NENA Version 1 Document OM2 Technology Inc.
105 .NE3 - OM2 OMALI NENA Document OM2 Technology Inc.
106 .NED - OMNet++ Network Description Format OMNeT++ Community
107 .NEF - Nikon Digital SLR Camera RAW Image Format Nikon
108 .NEKO - Neko Source Code Format Nicolas Cannasse
109 .NEN - Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project Brøderbund Software, Inc.
110 .NEO - Atari NeoChrome Bitmap Image Atari
111 .NEOSAVE - Neopets Puzzle Adventure Saved Game Neopets, Inc.
113 .NES - Nintendo Entertainment System ROM Image N/A
114 .NESSUS - Nessus Network Security Scanner Format Tenable Network Security
115 .NET - Network Configuration Format IBM
116 .NETA - Netica Bayesian Network Binary Format Norsys
117 .NETBOOT - Unix Netboot Script The Open Group
118 .NETKIT - Gnome Desktop The GNOME Project
119 .NETRC - .netrc TCP/IP Settings IBM
120 .NETSH - Netsh File Extension Microsoft Corporation
121 .NETSPD - NetSpot Survey Project Format NetSpot Team. Etwok
122 .NETSPM - NetSpot Map Format NetSpot Team. Etwok
123 .NETWORKCONNECT - Apple Network Connect Document Apple
124 .NEU - Pro/Engineer Neutral Format Parametric Technology
125 .NEULICENSE - Neu License Elegant Chaos
126 .NEW - Ameco Embroidery Format N/A
127 .NEWSLOC - Apple Mac OS X Finder News Internet Location Apple, Inc.
128 .NEX - Neuroexplorer Neurological Data N/A
129 .NEXE - Google Chrome Native Client Executable Format Google
130 .NEZ - NES ROM Emulator Image N/A
131 .NFB - Nokia PC Suite Phone Backup Format Nokia
132 .NFC - Nokia PC Suite Phone Backup Format Nokia
133 .NFF - Haines Neutral File Format Autodesk
134 .NFG - NewsBin Configuration DJI Interprises, LLC
135 .NFI - Dreambox Disc Image Format Dream Multimedia
136 .NFL - AutoCAD Multiline Filter List Autodesk, Inc.
137 .NFM - Delphi .NET Form Format Embarcadero Technologies
138 .NFO - Information Readme Text Format THG
139 .NFP - Archive N/A
140 .NFS - Network Format System Temporary Format N/A
141 .NFS11SAVE - Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2010 Configuration Format Electronic Arts
142 .NFS13SAVE - Need For Speed: Most Wanted Saved Game Electronic Arts, Inc.
143 .NFT - NetObjects Fusion System NetObjects Inc.
144 .NFTR - Nintendo DS Font Type Format N/A
145 .NFX - NetObjects Fusion Components Bbscomp NetObjects Inc.
146 .NGAGE - Nokia N-Gage Game Format Nokia
147 .NGC - Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Generated Format Xilinx
148 .NGD - NimbleGen Gene Description Format Roche NimbleGen, Inc.
149 .NGG - Nokia Group Graphics Image Format N/A
150 .NGH - Neighbours From Hell 2 Saved Game JoWooD Entertainment AG
151 .NGLOSS - Nisus Writer Pro Glossary Nisus Software, Inc.
152 .NGN - Fly! Engine Specification Terminal Reality
153 .NGO - Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project Brøderbund Software, Inc.
154 .NGP - Neo Geo Pocket ROM Image Format N/A
155 .NGR - NEPLAN Graphic Data NEPLAN
156 .NGRR - GUITAR RIG Sound Native Instruments, Inc.
157 .NGS - NGSSniff Next Generation Security Software Ltd (NGS)