File Informations and File Toolss


拡張子を参照 - A


拡張子を参照 - A

# ファイル拡張子 開発者
0 .A - Unix Static Object Code Library Format N/A
1 .A$V - QuarkXpress Automatically Saved Project Quark, Inc.
2 .A00 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 2) ESTsoft
3 .A01 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 3) ESTsoft
4 .A02 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 4) ESTsoft
5 .A03 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 5) ARJ Software, Inc.
6 .A04 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 6) ARJ Software, Inc.
7 .A05 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 7) ARJ Software, Inc.
8 .A06 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 8) ARJ Software, Inc.
9 .A07 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 9) ARJ Software, Inc.
10 .A08 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 10) ARJ Software, Inc.
11 .A09 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 11) ARJ Software, Inc.
12 .A1 - Free Pascal Archive Free Pascal team
13 .A10 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 12) ARJ Software, Inc.
14 .A11 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 13) ARJ Software, Inc.
15 .A12 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 14) ARJ Software, Inc.
16 .A13 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 15) ARJ Software, Inc.
17 .A14 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 16) ARJ Software, Inc.
18 .A15 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 17) ARJ Software, Inc.
19 .A16 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 18) ARJ Software, Inc.
20 .A17 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 19) ARJ Software, Inc.
21 .A18 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 20) ARJ Software, Inc.
22 .A19 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 21) ARJ Software, Inc.
23 .A1WISH - Audials Wishlist Format RapidSolution Software
24 .A20 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 22) ARJ Software, Inc.
25 .A21 - Soundweb Firmware BSS Audio
26 .A26 - Atari 2600 ROM Image Format N/A
27 .A2A - IBM Voice Type Languages Vocabels IBM
28 .A2B - Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank Adlib
29 .A2C - Alice Scene Format Carnegie Mellon University
30 .A2DESKTOP - Aston Desktop Desktop Skin Gladiators Software
31 .A2I - Adlib Tracker Instrument Format Adlib
32 .A2L - ASAP2 Description Format ASAM MCD-2MC
33 .A2M - AdLib Tracker 2 Format Adlib
34 .A2MENU - Aston Desktop Start Menu Skin Gladiators Software
35 .A2P - Adlib Tracker Pattern Format Adlib
36 .A2PANEL - Aston Desktop Panel Skin Gladiators Software
37 .A2R - KittyXplorer Encrypted Archive
38 .A2T - Adlib Tracker Tiny Module Format Adlib
39 .A2THEME - Aston 2 Theme Format Gladiators Software
40 .A2W - Alice Program World Format Carnegie Mellon University
41 .A31 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
42 .A32 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 34) ARJ Software, Inc.
43 .A3D - Amapi 3D Modeling Eovia
44 .A3G - Photo! 3D Gallery
45 .A3K - Yamaha A3000 Sampler N/A
46 .A3L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
47 .A3M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
48 .A3P - Alice 3 Project Carnegie Mellon University
49 .A3S - Yamaha A3000 Sample N/A
50 .A3W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
51 .A3X - AccuLoad Settings FMC Technologies, Inc.
52 .A41 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
53 .A4L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
54 .A4M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
55 .A4P - Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime Avanquest Software
56 .A4R - Adobe Authorware Package Course N/A
57 .A4W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
58 .A51 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
59 .A52 - Atari 5200 Game Image Format N/A
60 .A5D - Adobe Authorware Model N/A
61 .A5L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
62 .A5M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
63 .A5P - Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime N/A
64 .A5R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
65 .A5RPT - Alpha Five Project Report Alpha Software, Inc.
66 .A5W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Alpha Software
67 .A5WCMP - Alpha Five Web Publishing Alpha Software, Inc.
68 .A64 - Artist 64 N/A
69 .A65 - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
70 .A66 - µVision Assembler Source ARM Holdings plc
71 .A6D - Adobe Authorware Model N/A
72 .A6L - Adobe Authorware Library N/A
73 .A6M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
74 .A6P - Adobe Authorware Application Format Adobe Systems
75 .A6R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime N/A
76 .A6W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
77 .A78 - Atari 7800 Image N/A
78 .A7D - Adobe Authorware Model Adobe Systems Incorporated
79 .A7E - Adobe Authorware Packaged Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
80 .A7L - Adobe Authorware Library N/A
81 .A7M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
82 .A7P - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
83 .A7R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
84 .A7W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
85 .A86 - A86 Assembly Language Source Code Eric Isaacson Software
86 .A8S - Anim8or Script Format Steven Glanville
87 .AA - Audible Audio Format Audible
88 .AA3 - Sony ATRAC Audio Format Sony
89 .AAA - Sybase SQLAnywhere Temporary Sybase Inc.
90 .AAB - Adobe Authorware Binary Adobe Systems Incorporated
91 .AAC - Advanced Audio Coding Format N/A
92 .AAD - FreeBSD N/A
93 .AAF - Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format Avid Technology
94 .AAM - Adobe Authorware Shocked Format Adobe Systems
95 .AAO - Agenda At Once Format Dataland Software
96 .AAP - Apollo Advanced Playlist Heikki Ylinen
97 .AAPKG - ArchestrA IDE Package Invensys plc
98 .AAR - Apache Axis2 Archive Apache Software Foundation
99 .AAS - Adobe Authorware Shocked Packet Adobe Systems Incorporated
100 .AAT - ArcInfo Line Data Esri
101 .AATREND - ActiveFactory Trend Invensys Systems, Inc.
102 .AAUI - Adobe Acrobat UI Settings Format Adobe Systems
103 .AAW - Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2007 Settings Lavasoft
104 .AAWDEF - Ad-Aware Definitions Format Lavasoft
105 .AAX - Audible Enhanced Audio Format Audible
106 .AB - Google Android Debug Bridge Backup Format Google
107 .AB$ - Autodesk AutoCAD Plot Spooling Autodesk, Inc.
108 .AB1 - DNA Electropherogram Format N/A
109 .AB2 - Print Shop Address Book File Broderbund
110 .AB3 - Photoimpact 3 Album Format Ulead Systems
111 .AB4 - AB4 Accounting & Business Data ENIAC Computing
112 .AB6 - ABStat Data AndersonBell Corp
113 .AB65 - Adobe PageMaker Document Adobe Systems Incorporated
114 .AB8 - ABStat Data AndersonBell Corp
115 .ABA - Palm Address Book Archive Format Palm
116 .ABBU - Apple Address Book Archive Format N/A
117 .ABC - Musical Notation Language Format N/A
118 .ABCD - AudioVisual Book Data Format AV Books Publishers
119 .ABCDDB - Apple Address Book Database Apple, Inc.
120 .ABCDG - Apple AddessBook Apple, Inc.
121 .ABCDMR - Apple Address Book Mail Recent Apple, Inc.
122 .ABCDP - Address Book Card Data Apple, Inc.
123 .ABD - The Bat! Mail Processing System RITLabs SRL
124 .ABDATA - Adobe Bridge Data Format Adobe Systems
125 .ABE - Application Boundaries Enforcer N/A
126 .ABF - Adobe Binary Screen Font Format Microsoft
127 .ABG - FIFA World Cup Game Data Beart Electronic Arts, Inc.
128 .ABI - Chromatogram Editor Format N/A
129 .ABICOLLAB - AbiWord Collaborative File Descriptor The AbiSource Community
130 .ABK - Ability Write Backup Format N/A
131 .ABKPRJ - Ashampoo Burning Studio Backup Project Format Ashampoo
132 .ABL - ABEL Hardware Description Language Xilinx, Inc.
133 .ABM - Music Album Format N/A
134 .ABN - Alpha Five Alpha Software, Inc.
135 .ABP - AVS Barcode Profile AVS
136 .ABR - Adobe Photoshop Brush Format Adobe Systems
137 .ABS - Absolute Database Single-file Database Format ComponentAce
138 .ABT - The Arbiter Game Schedule Advanced Business Technology Corporation
139 .ABU - ACT! E-mail Address Book The Sage Group plc
140 .ABW - AbiWord Document Format AbiSource
141 .ABX - Corel WordPerfect Mail Address Book Corel Corporation
142 .ABY - AOL Directory Format AOL
143 .ABZ - Alpha Black Zero Game Playlogic International
144 .AC - AC3D Geometry Format Inivis Limited
145 .AC$ - AutoCAD Undo Info Format Autodesk
146 .AC0 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
147 .AC1 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
148 .AC2 - SPICE AC/frequency Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
149 .AC3 - Dolby Digital Sound Format N/A
150 .AC3D - 3d Format Data Inivis Limited
151 .AC4 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
152 .AC5 - ArtCut 5 Document Format Wentai
153 .AC6 - Artcut Software Graphics Design Format Wentai
154 .AC7 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
155 .AC8 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
156 .AC9 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
157 .ACA - Microsoft Agent Character Format Microsoft
158 .ACA2 - Fontographer FontLab Ltd.
159 .ACAD - AutoCAD Database Autodesk, Inc.
160 .ACB - Adobe Color Book Format Adobe Systems
161 .ACBL - Adobe Color Book Format Adobe Systems
162 .ACC - DR DOS - ViewMax Format FKJ Software
163 .ACCDA - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Add-in Format Microsoft
164 .ACCDB - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Format Microsoft
165 .ACCDC - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Digitally Signed Database Format Microsoft
166 .ACCDE - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Compiled Execute Only Format Microsoft
167 .ACCDP - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Project Microsoft Corporation
168 .ACCDR - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Runtime Mode Database Format Microsoft
169 .ACCDT - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Template Format Microsoft
170 .ACCDU - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Wizard Format Microsoft
171 .ACCDW - Microsoft Access Link Format Microsoft
172 .ACCESS - Java Access Control Oracle Corporation
173 .ACCESSOR - Microsoft Visual Studio Accessor Microsoft Corporation
174 .ACCFL - Microsoft Access Field Template Microsoft Corporation
175 .ACCFT - Microsoft Access Template Format Microsoft
176 .ACCOUNTPICTURE-MS - Microsoft Windows 8 Account Picture Format Microsoft
177 .ACCT - IBM AIX System IBM
178 .ACD - Sonic Foundry ACID Audio Format Sony
179 .ACD-BAK - Sony ACID Project Backup Format Sony
180 .ACD-ZIP - Sony ACID Compressed Project Format Sony
181 .ACE - WinACE Compressed Ace Archive Format WinAce
182 .ACF - Microsoft Agent HTTP Character Format Valve
183 .ACFM - Adobe Composite Font Metrics Format Adobe Systems
184 .ACG - Age Of Wonders Saved Game Bolide Software
185 .ACGD - ACG System Predictive Model Johns Hopkins University
186 .ACGI - ACGI Script (WWW) N/A
187 .ACGL - ACG System Licence Johns Hopkins University
188 .ACH - Medlin Payroll Software Automated Clearing House Medlin Accounting
189 .ACI - ACI Development Appraisal ACI
190 .ACK - Swifty N/A
191 .ACL - Microsoft Office Automatic Correction List Microsoft
192 .ACLOCK - Amazing Clock
193 .ACM - ACM Compressed Sound Format BioWare
194 .ACMD - Apache Commander Project Zecos Software
195 .ACO - Adobe Photoshop Color Palette And Swatches Format Adobe Systems
196 .ACORN - Acorn Draw Format Flying Meat
197 .ACP - Alfresco Exported Repository Format Alfresco Software
198 .ACQ - AcqURL Bookmark Manager GT Technologies
199 .ACR - Bitmap Graphics American College of Radiology
200 .ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS - Adobe Acrobat Security Settings Format Adobe Systems
201 .ACRODATA - Adobe Acrobat Data Format Adobe Systems
202 .ACROPLUGIN - Adobe Acrobat Plug-in Format Adobe Systems
203 .ACRS - Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
204 .ACRYPT - AutoCrypt Encrypted Document Tension Software
205 .ACS - Microsoft Agent Character Structured Storage Format Microsoft
206 .ACS2 - AIMP Media Player Skin AIMP DevTeam
207 .ACS3 - AIMP Skin Package AIMP DevTeam
208 .ACSM - Adobe Content Server Message Format Adobe Systems
209 .ACT - Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator Color Table N/A
210 .ACT! - ACT! The Sage Group plc
211 .ACTION - Mac OS X Automator Action Format Apple
212 .ACTIONS - Photoline 4 Defaults Impressum
213 .ACTIONSCRIPTPROPERTIES - Adobe Flex Settings Adobe Systems Incorporated
214 .ACTIVITYDIAGRAM - Microsoft Visual Studio Activity Diagram Microsoft Corporation
215 .ACTM - Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format Autodesk
216 .ACTPROJ - Microsoft Visual Studio Visual SourceSafe ACT Project Microsoft Corporation
217 .ACTX - DS Game Maker Action Description Format Invisionsoft
218 .ACU - Machine Independent COBOL Object Micro Focus International plc
219 .ACV - Adobe Photoshop Colour Curves Format Adobe Systems
220 .ACW - Microsoft Accessibility Wizard Format Microsoft
221 .ACX - Atari ST Program Format Atari
222 .AD - After Dark Screen Saver Format Berkeley Systems
223 .AD1 - Forensic Toolkit FTK Imager Image AccessData Group, LLC.
224 .AD3E - Adobe Dimensions Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
225 .AD65 - PageMaker 6.5 Adobe Systems Incorporated
226 .ADA - ADA Language Source Code Format N/A
227 .ADADOWNLOAD - Adobe Download Assistant Partially Completed Download Adobe Systems Incorporated
228 .ADB - Ability Database Database Format Alpha Software
229 .ADBA - AIMSS Author Project Configuration Raytheon Company
230 .ADBLOCK - Alpha Five Temporary Alpha Software, Inc.
231 .ADC - Lingvo Dictionary Format Steffen Gutmann
232 .ADCP - Adobe Device Centra Project Adobe Systems
233 .ADD - Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer Documentation Format Microsoft
234 .ADDIN - Microsoft Visual Studio Addin Format Microsoft
235 .ADDON - CFS Console Add-on Format Zaplots
236 .ADDR - Metin2 Data Ymir Entertainment Co., Ltd.
237 .ADE - Microsoft Access Compiled Project Format Microsoft
238 .ADF - ArcView ARC/INFO Coverage Data Format ESRI
239 .ADG - Ableton Live Device Group Format Ableton
240 .ADH - Audible Manager, Inc.
241 .ADI - Active@ Disk Image Format Active@ Data Recovery Software
242 .ADIUMEMOTICON - Adium Dock Icon The Adium Team
243 .ADIUMEMOTICONSET - Adium Emoticon Set The Adium Team
244 .ADIUMHTMLLOG - Adium HTML Log The Adium Team
245 .ADIUMICON - Adium Icon The Adium Team
246 .ADIUMLIBPURPLEPLUGIN - Adium Lib Purple Plugin The Adium Team
247 .ADIUMLISTLAYOUT - Adium List Layout The Adium Team
248 .ADIUMLISTTHEME - Adium List Theme The Adium Team
249 .ADIUMLOG - Adium Log The Adium Team
250 .ADIUMMENUBARICONS - Adium Menu Bar Icon The Adium Team
251 .ADIUMMESSAGESTYLE - Adium Message Style The Adium Team
252 .ADIUMPLUGIN - Adium Plugin The Adium Team
253 .ADIUMSCRIPTS - Adium AppleScripts The Adium Team
254 .ADIUMSERVICEICONS - Adium Service Icons The Adium Team
255 .ADIUMSOUNDSET - Adium Sound Set The Adium Team
256 .ADIUMSTATUSICONS - Adium Status Icon The Adium Team
257 .ADJ - LISCAD Adjustment LISTECH
258 .ADJUSTMENTPRESETS - Apple Aperture Preset Apple, Inc.
259 .ADK - OS/2 Saved SKF Format IBM
260 .ADL - ADONIS Models And Model Groups Export BOC Information Technologies Consulting AG
261 .ADLS - ADL Workbench openEHR
262 .ADM - Administrator Policy Template Format N/A
263 .ADML - Microsoft Administrative Language-specific XML Template Format Microsoft
264 .ADMX - Microsoft Administrative XML Template Format Microsoft
265 .ADN - Microsoft Access Blank Project Template Microsoft
266 .ADO - Adobe Photoshop Duotone Format Adobe Systems
267 .ADOBEBRIDGE - Adobe Bridge Adobe Systems Incorporated
268 .ADOBENET - Adobe Production Studio Adobe Systems Incorporated
269 .ADOC - Authentica Secure Office Encoded Word Document N/A
270 .ADOS - Compound Document ADOS Corporation
271 .ADOX - ActivDox Document Format ActivDox
272 .ADP - Microsoft Access Project Format Microsoft
273 .ADPP - Adobe Device Central Package Profile Adobe Systems
274 .ADR - Opera Bookmarks Format N/A
275 .ADRG - ARC Digitized Raster Graphics Global Mapper Software LLC
276 .ADS - Ada Package Specification N/A
277 .ADSK - Autodesk Exchange Autodesk, Inc.
278 .ADSM - Advanced Split Machine Split Nikolas Ehrenberg
279 .ADT - Lingvo Dictionary Format Sage Software
280 .ADTG - Advanced Data TableGram N/A
281 .ADTS - Audio Data Transport Stream N/A
282 .ADU - Dictionary Format Addictive Software
283 .ADV - Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Format Nortek
284 .ADVS - Adobe Device Central Format Adobe Systems
285 .ADW - Tamil Transliterater/font Converter Dr. K. Srinivasan
286 .ADX - Approach Database Index Format N/A
287 .ADZ - Amiga Emulator Compressed ADF Format N/A
288 .AD_ASM - Alibre Design CAD Alibre Inc.
289 .AD_PRT - Alibre Design CAD Alibre Inc.
290 .AE0 - NetBSD Ethernet Configuration NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
291 .AE1 - FileMaker Pro Runtime Database FileMaker, Inc.
292 .AEA - Ae Timer Alarm Document Format Google
293 .AEB - Alphacam Wire EDM VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
294 .AEC - DataCAD Drawing Format MAXON
295 .AED - Alphacam Wire EDM Drawing Planit Solutions Inc.
296 .AEE - ASUS Data Security Manager Encoded ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
297 .AEF - ELECTRICAL Designer Related ACERI, S. A.
298 .AEH - IPer Advanced Embedded Hypertext Visual Vision
299 .AEM - Alphacam Wire EDM Parameter Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
300 .AEP - Adobe After Effects Project Format Adobe Systems
301 .AEPKEY - Advanced Encryption Package Key Format InterCrypto
302 .AEPX - Adobe After Effects XML Project Format Adobe Systems
303 .AER - Adobe Atmosphere Adobe Systems Incorporated
304 .AES - AES Crypt Encrypted Format Packetizer
305 .AET - Adobe After Effects Template Format Adobe Systems
306 .AETX - Adobe After Effects Format Adobe Systems
307 .AEU - Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route Microsoft Corporation
308 .AEX - Greetings Card Format Alpha Software
309 .AEXPK - PGP Armored Extracted Public Key PGP Corporation
310 .AF - 3DPlus Model Serif Europe Ltd.
311 .AF2 - Micrografx FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart Format iGrafx
312 .AF3 - Micrografx FlowCharter Flowchart Format iGrafx
313 .AFA - Astrotite Compressed Data Fantiusen Software
314 .AFB - Alphacam Flame VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
315 .AFC - Compressed Audio Interchange Format Format N/A
316 .AFD - Alphacam Flame Drawing Format Planit
317 .AFE - Avid Media Metadata Format Avid Technology
318 .AFF - Advanced Forensics Format Disk Image Basis Technology
319 .AFG - Tablet Assembly JHI Plant Bioinformatics Group
320 .AFL - XMap Related DeLorme
321 .AFM - Adobe Font Metrics Format N/A
322 .AFN - ArtCAM Font Delcam plc
323 .AFO - Advanced File Organizer Catalog SoftPrime Development
324 .AFO-XVID - Compressed Video N/A
325 .AFP - FileProtector Encrypted Format AndrosaSoft
326 .AFPLOC - Apple Mac OS X Filing Protocol Location Format Apple
327 .AFPP - Mac Apple Share N/A
328 .AFR - FreeBSD N/A
329 .AFS - Project Format Bentley Systems
330 .AFS3 - AFS 3 Basic Encrypted Osborn Software
331 .AFT - Family Tree Data Format
332 .AFW - Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area iGrafx, LCC.
333 .AFX - Auto F/X Image Format Auto FX Software
334 .AFZ - Family Tree Backup Inc.
335 .AG - Applix Graphics IBM
336 .AG4 - Microsoft Access G4 Microsoft Corporation
337 .AGA - ArcGIS ArcGlobe Esri
338 .AGB - Nintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image N/A
339 .AGC - Compiled Script John Bridges
340 .AGD - Agile Advantage Format AgileGraph
341 .AGD1 - Adobe FreeHand For Mac Drawing Adobe Systems Incorporated
342 .AGD2 - Adobe FreeHand 7 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
343 .AGDB - ANSYS DesignSpace ANSYS Inc.
344 .AGE3REC - Age Of Empires III Recorded Game Microsoft Studios
345 .AGE3SAV - Age Of Empires III Save Game Microsoft Studios
346 .AGE3SCN - Age Of Empires III Scenario Format Microsoft
347 .AGE3XREC - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Recorded Microsoft Studios
348 .AGE3XSAV - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Save Game Microsoft Studios
349 .AGE3XSCN - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Scenario Microsoft Studios
350 .AGE3YREC - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Recorded Game Microsoft Studios
351 .AGE3YSAV - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Save Game Microsoft Studios
352 .AGE3YSCN - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Scenario Microsoft Studios
353 .AGENT - Forte Agent And FreeAgent Data Forté Inc.
354 .AGEO - Dream Aquarium Fish Model Dream Aquarium
355 .AGF - Atlas GIS Native Binary Geodataset Esri
356 .AGG - AggFlow Plant Flow Analysis BedRock Software Inc.
357 .AGGR - Adobe Captivate Aggregator Format Adobe Systems
358 .AGI - Asterisk Gateway Interface Format Digium
359 .AGIF - Active GIF Creator Project Format Image Tools Group
360 .AGILEKEYCHAIN - 1Password Data AgileBits Inc.
361 .AGL - ArgusLab Molecular Graphics Modelling Planaria Software LLC.
362 .AGLDEI - Adobe GoLive Template Adobe Systems Incorporated
363 .AGLS - Adobe GoLive Snippet Adobe Systems Incorporated
364 .AGLSL - Adobe GoLive Site Adobe Systems Incorporated
365 .AGM - Audio Format DTS
366 .AGMODULE - Adobe Lightroom Module Adobe Systems Incorporated
367 .AGO - Autolog Script Soft Machines
368 .AGP - ArtGem Project Format RL Vision
369 .AGPREFS - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preferences Adobe Systems Incorporated
370 .AGR - Ableton Live Groove Format Ableton
371 .AGS - AfterGRASP Script John Bridges
372 .AGTEMPLATE - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset Adobe Systems Incorporated
373 .AGTOOLKIT - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Systems Incorporated
374 .AGV - ArcGlobe Video Metadata Esri
375 .AGW - Aspen Graphics Aspen Research Group Ltd.
376 .AGWL - Abstract Grid Workflow Language Distributed and Parallel Systems - University of Innsbruck
377 .AGX - Rational XDE IBM
378 .AGX1 - Adobe FreeHand For Mac Extension Adobe Systems Incorporated
379 .AGZ - AggFlow Aggregate Plant Flow Diagram