# |
Extensión de archivo |
Desarrollador |
0 |
.E - EiffelStudio Source |
Eiffel Software |
1 |
.E00 - ESRI Map File Export |
2 |
.E01 - EnCase Forensic Image Format |
Guidance Software |
3 |
.E02 - ArcInfo Export |
Esri |
4 |
.E03 - ArcInfo Export |
Esri |
5 |
.E04 - ArcInfo Export |
Esri |
6 |
.E05 - ArcInfo Export |
Esri |
7 |
.E06 - ArcInfo Export |
Esri |
8 |
.E2E - Microsoft BizTalk RFID Log |
Microsoft Corporation |
9 |
.E2GM - Pangea Enigmo Custom Game Format |
Pangea Software |
10 |
.E2P - PonyProg Device |
Lanconelli Open Systems |
11 |
.E32 - Inno Setup 1.3 |
Jordan Russell |
12 |
.E3A - Carrier HAP Project |
United Technologies Corporation |
13 |
.E3D - Instant3D Project |
SolidWorks Corporation |
14 |
.E3MOD - Emergency 3 Mod Package |
Strategy First |
15 |
.E3P - E3.series Part |
Zuken |
16 |
.E3S - E3.series Project |
Zuken |
17 |
.E3W - E3.WireWorks Project |
Zuken |
18 |
.E4A - Encrypt4all Archive Format |
Encrypt4all |
19 |
.E4B - EOS Bank |
N/A |
20 |
.E4MOD - Emergency 4 Mod |
Sixteen Tons Entertainment |
21 |
.E50 - MicroPAVER 5.0 |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
22 |
.E57 - LIDAR Point Cloud Data Format |
ASTM E57 Committee on 3D Imaging Systems |
23 |
.E60 - MicroPAVER 6.0 |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
24 |
.EA - EarAche Audio |
Cloanto Italia srl |
25 |
.EA3 - Fifa 2001 Environment Game Data |
Electronic Arts, Inc. |
26 |
.EAC - EmEditor Auto Completion |
Emurasoft |
27 |
.EAC3 - Dolby Digital Plus Audio Track |
N/A |
28 |
.EAF - ELAN Annotation Format |
N/A |
29 |
.EAGLERC - EAGLE Linux User-specific Parameter |
CadSoft Computer, Inc. |
30 |
.EAL - EnergyAccess Log |
Brayden Automation Corporation |
31 |
.EAP - Adobe Photoshop Exposure Format |
N/A |
32 |
.EAR - Java Enterprise Application Packaging Unit |
Oracle |
33 |
.EAS - RSLogix Symbol Format |
Rockwell Automation |
34 |
.EASM - SolidWorks EDrawing Assembly Format |
Dassault Systemes |
35 |
.EASMX - XPS Document |
Microsoft Corporation |
36 |
.EAZ - ArcGIS Explorer Add-in Format |
37 |
.EB - EBwin Project |
Procedimientos-Uno, S.L. |
38 |
.EBC - MediaBASIC Compiled Project |
SourceForge.net |
39 |
.EBD - Windows EBD System Format |
Microsoft |
40 |
.EBF - Pocket PC WindowsCE Form |
Microsoft Corporation |
41 |
.EBH - EBahn Desktop Automotive Repair Information |
Robert Bentley, Inc. |
42 |
.EBI - The Bat! Messages Encrypted Backup |
43 |
.EBK - EBook Pro E-book Format |
The Internet Marketing Center |
44 |
.EBKPROJ - ECub Project |
Julian Smart |
45 |
.EBKTML - EBook Pro Encoded Temporary |
Internet Marketing Center |
46 |
.EBL - Expedite Bid Amendment Library |
Bid Express |
47 |
.EBM - Ragnarok Online Emblem Format |
N/A |
48 |
.EBN - Philips GoGear Firmware Update Format |
Philips |
49 |
.EBO - Microsoft Reader EBook Format |
Microsoft Corporation |
50 |
.EBP - Pocket PC Windows CE Project |
Microsoft Corporation |
51 |
.EBQ - CITE Electronic Bill Of Quantities |
N/A |
52 |
.EBS - E-Prime E-Run Version 1 Script Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
53 |
.EBS2 - E-Prime E-Run Script Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
54 |
.EBUILD - Portage EBuild Script Format |
Gentoo |
55 |
.EBW - Encyclopaedia Britannica |
Encyclopædia Britannica (UK) Limited |
56 |
.EBX - Rational Rose 98 Compiled Script |
57 |
.EC0 - MetroCount Traffic Data Format |
MetroCount |
58 |
.EC3 - Dolby Digital AC3 Sound Format |
N/A |
59 |
.EC4 - EPSON Print CD Document Format |
60 |
.EC7 - EuroCUT Profile |
61 |
.EC8 - Simplazz 1-2-3 Accountant Export |
N/A |
62 |
.ECBK - LG PC Suite Calendar Backup |
LG Electronics |
63 |
.ECC - Dvdisaster Error-correction Format |
dvdisaster |
64 |
.ECD - LabelMaker CD/DVD Label |
Memorex Products, Inc. |
65 |
.ECE - Oracle Application Express Dynamic Web Page Format |
Escenic |
66 |
.ECF - Microsoft Outlook Add-in Format |
N/A |
67 |
.ECFG - ESRI XML Zipped Database |
N/A |
68 |
.ECG - ECG Electrocardiography |
Neozap.com |
69 |
.ECH - EasyChem Save |
SourceForge.net |
70 |
.ECI - Ettercap Info |
Ettercap Project |
71 |
.ECL - Management-Ware Mass Mailing News E-campaign List Format |
Management-Ware Solutions |
72 |
.ECLIPSEPRODUCT - Eclipse Product Maker |
The Eclipse Foundation |
73 |
.ECM - ECM Disc Image |
Neill Corlett |
74 |
.ECML - Quickbooks Licence |
Intuit Inc. |
75 |
.ECO - ECCO Database Format |
NetManage |
76 |
.ECORE - Kermeta Ecore Diagram |
The Eclipse Foundation |
77 |
.ECORE2ECORE - Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping |
The Eclipse Foundation |
78 |
.ECORE2XML - Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping |
The Eclipse Foundation |
79 |
.ECOREDIAG - Kermeta Ecore Diagram Information |
The Eclipse Foundation |
80 |
.ECP - EasyC Project Format |
Intelitek |
81 |
.ECR - Ecrypt Encrypted |
Email Connection (Pty) Ltd. |
82 |
.ECS - Sony Ericsson Phone Backup Format |
Sony Ericsson |
83 |
.ECSV - Encapsulated Comma Separated Value |
N/A |
84 |
.ECT - Microsoft Visual C++ Exception Console Template |
Microsoft Corporation |
85 |
.ECU - TunerPro ECU Configurator |
Mark Mansur |
86 |
.ECW - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet Image Format |
87 |
.ECW2002PUZZLE - EclipseCrossword Puzzle |
Green Eclipse |
88 |
.ECW2002WORDS - EclipseCrossword Word List |
Green Eclipse |
89 |
.ECX - ECCO Pro Damaged Database Format |
NetManage |
90 |
.ED - LithTech Game Level |
Monolith Productions, Inc. |
91 |
.ED2K - EDonkey Download Link |
eMule-Project.net |
92 |
.EDA - Ensoniq ASR Disk Image Format |
N/A |
93 |
.EDAT - Sony Playstation Portable PSP Encrypted Data Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
94 |
.EDAT2 - E-Prime 2 E-DataAid Data Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
95 |
.EDB - Exchange Information Store Database |
Microsoft |
96 |
.EDC - Kryptel (Lite) Decoder/Encoder Format |
Inv Softworks |
97 |
.EDDX - Edraw Project |
EDrawSoft |
98 |
.EDE - Ensoniq EPS Disk Image |
N/A |
99 |
.EDF - ESRF Data Format |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
100 |
.EDFX - Estimator.NET Estimate Format |
Dunstad Software |
101 |
.EDG - EDGE Diagrammer Diagram Format |
Pacestar Software |
102 |
.EDGE - Adobe Edge Animation Project Format |
Adobe Systems |
103 |
.EDI - EDI Engine Electronic Data Interchange Format |
N/A |
104 |
.EDJ - Enlightenment DR 17 Background And Theme Format |
Enlightenment.org |
105 |
.EDK - Ensoniq KT Disk Image |
N/A |
106 |
.EDL - Edit Decision List Format |
N/A |
107 |
.EDM - Adobe Extension Data Markup Language (EDML) Format |
Adobe Systems |
108 |
.EDML - Adobe Extension Data Markup Language (EDML) Document Format |
Adobe Systems |
109 |
.EDMX - Microsoft Visual Studio Entity Data Model Format |
Microsoft |
110 |
.EDN - Acrobat Document Format |
Adobe |
111 |
.EDOC - Electronically Certified Document |
N/A |
112 |
.EDP - Multisim |
National Instruments Corporation |
113 |
.EDPI - ExamDiff Pro Session Fle |
PrestoSoft LLC |
114 |
.EDQ - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 Disk Image Format |
N/A |
115 |
.EDR - Embird Color Palette |
BALARAD, s.r.o. |
116 |
.EDRW - SolidWorks EDrawing Format |
Dassault Systemes |
117 |
.EDRWX - Microsoft XPS Drawing Document Format |
Microsoft |
118 |
.EDS - Ensoniq SQ80 Disk Image Format |
N/A |
119 |
.EDT - Football Manager Mod |
Sega Corporation |
120 |
.EDV - Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image |
N/A |
121 |
.EDW - EDrawings SolidWorks Corp |
SolidWorks Corporation |
122 |
.EDX - EDraw Max Drawing Format |
EdrawSoft |
123 |
.EDXZ - Edraw Compressed XML FIle |
EdrawSoft |
124 |
.EDZ - ProductView Compressed Package |
Parametric Technology Corporation |
125 |
.EE - Encrypt Easy Encrypted |
Baltsoft Software |
126 |
.EEA - Encrypted E-mail Attachment |
Scanlon Associates |
127 |
.EEB - Corel WordPerfect Equation Editor Button Bar |
Corel Corporation |
128 |
.EEF - Embird Project |
BALARAD, s.r.o. |
129 |
.EEK - Arachne Script Format |
Arachne |
130 |
.EEP - Evidence Eliminator Format |
N/A |
131 |
.EEPF - EmuOS Exchangeable Packet Format |
EmuOS Development Team |
132 |
.EER - Lahey Fortran Error |
Lahey Computer Systems, Inc. |
133 |
.EES - Empire Earth Scenario |
Sierra Entertainment, Inc. |
134 |
.EEX - Oracle Discoverer EUL |
Oracle Corporation |
135 |
.EF2 - Internet Download Manager Format |
Tonec |
136 |
.EFA - Ensoniq ASR Instrument Format |
N/A |
137 |
.EFAX - Everex EFax Fax Document |
N/A |
138 |
.EFD - Parallels Desktop Related |
Parallels Holdings Ltd. |
139 |
.EFE - Ensoniq EPS Instrument Format |
E-Mu |
140 |
.EFF - Bioware Infinity Game Engine Effects |
BioWare |
141 |
.EFG - Gambit Extensive Game Format |
Gambit Project |
142 |
.EFI - Extensible Firmware Interface Firmware Format |
UEFI Forum |
143 |
.EFIRES - EFI Image Format |
Apple |
144 |
.EFK - Ensoniq KT Instrument Format |
N/A |
145 |
.EFL - Encryptafile Encrypted Format |
XenoSystems |
146 |
.EFP - Microsoft Exchange Server Form Message Template Format |
Microsoft |
147 |
.EFQ - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 Instrument Format |
N/A |
148 |
.EFR - Encryptafile Private Key Format |
XenoSystems |
149 |
.EFS - Ensoniq SQ80 Format |
N/A |
150 |
.EFSLIB - ESignal EFS Function Library |
eSignal |
151 |
.EFT - ChiWriter High Resolution Screen Font |
Cay Horstmann |
152 |
.EFTX - Microsoft Office 2007 Theme Effect Format |
Microsoft |
153 |
.EFU - Encryptafile Public Key Format |
XenoSystems |
154 |
.EFV - Ensoniq VFX-SD Instrument Format |
N/A |
155 |
.EFW - Renamed Zip Or Executable Format |
Computer Associates |
156 |
.EFX - Everex EFax Fax Document Format |
j2 Global Communications |
157 |
.EFXT - Microsoft Office Theme |
Microsoft Corporation |
158 |
.EG - Image It Backup Disk Image |
Wasay |
159 |
.EGB - Encog Binary Format |
Heaton Research, Inc. |
160 |
.EGC - GIF Creator Project Format |
EximiousSoft |
161 |
.EGG - ALZip EGG Compressed Archive Format |
Autodesk |
162 |
.EGG-INFO - Python Egg |
N/A |
163 |
.EGGP - Adobe After Effects Project |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
164 |
.EGISENC - Egis Encrypted |
Egis Technology Inc. |
165 |
.EGISENX - Egis Encryped |
Egis Technology Inc. |
166 |
.EGLIB - Adobe Edge Animate Symbol Library |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
167 |
.EGM - Pangea Enigmo Custom Game Format |
Pangea |
168 |
.EGO - Rollback Rx Drive Image |
Horizon DataSys Inc. |
169 |
.EGON - Egon Animator Graphics |
Ulric Eriksson |
170 |
.EGP - Easy Grade Pro Gradebook Format |
Edline |
171 |
.EGS - GIS Software Encrypted Grid Shape |
Esri |
172 |
.EGT - EagleGet Incomplete Download |
N/A |
173 |
.EHAM - HAM Programmer Toolkit ExtraHAM Executable Format |
Zaplots |
174 |
.EHP - Help Steward Project |
Software Steward, LLC |
175 |
.EI - Electric Image Image Format |
N/A |
176 |
.EIA - Excellon |
N/A |
177 |
.EIC - East Indian Company Save Game |
Nitro Games Ltd. |
178 |
.EID - IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser |
179 |
.EIF - Eroiica Graphic |
N/A |
180 |
.EIL - Eagle Library Intermediate |
N/A |
181 |
.EIO - DesignBuilder EnergyPlus Model Summary Configuration Output |
DesignBuilder Software Ltd |
182 |
.EIP - Enhanced Image Package Format |
Phase One |
183 |
.EIT - Microsoft Encarta Database Update |
Microsoft Corporation |
184 |
.EIX - Metin2 Game Data Package Format |
Ymir Entertainment |
185 |
.EJS - Embedded JavaScript Template |
Bitovi Consulting |
186 |
.EKB - VisualTablet Data |
Zak Morris Company, Inc. |
187 |
.EKM - EXP Macro |
Symbol Dynamics |
188 |
.EKS - Metapraxis Empower Data |
Metapraxis |
189 |
.EKV - Left 4 Dead |
Valve Corporation |
190 |
.EL - Emacs Lisp Programming Language Source Code |
The GNU Project |
191 |
.EL1 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Album |
Canon Inc. |
192 |
.EL2 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Stickers |
Canon Inc. |
193 |
.EL4 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Calendar |
Canon Inc. |
194 |
.EL5 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Layout |
Canon Inc. |
195 |
.EL6 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Photo Print |
N/A |
196 |
.EL7 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Premium Contents |
Canon Inc. |
197 |
.EL8 - Easy-PhotoPrint EX Disc Label/cover |
Canon Inc. |
198 |
.ELASTIK - Elastik Engine Sound Bank |
Ueberschall GmbH |
199 |
.ELC - Emacs Compiled Lisp Format |
The GNU Project |
200 |
.ELD - NEPLAN-DOS Import Or Export |
201 |
.ELE - ZEMAX Element Drawing Settings |
ZEMAX Development Corporation |
202 |
.ELF - ELF Executable Format |
Unix System Laboratories |
203 |
.ELF9 - ESRI Floating License |
Esri |
204 |
.ELI - DipTrace |
Novarm Limited |
205 |
.ELIST - Emperor Media Player Playlist |
diekollegen.at |
206 |
.ELK - Altium Designer Linker Error Message |
Altium Limited. |
207 |
.ELL - ATI Radeon Driver |
N/A |
208 |
.ELM - Office Theme Format |
Microsoft |
209 |
.ELO - ELO Data |
N/A |
210 |
.ELT - NEPLAN Topology |
211 |
.ELU - Quake 3 Arena Model Shell |
id Software LLC |
212 |
.ELV - Aces High Map Data |
N/A |
213 |
.ELX - DesignPro Tools Form |
Elixir Technologies Corporation |
214 |
.ELZ - Crossword Power Tools Crossword Library |
215 |
.EM - Adobe Encore Menu Template Format |
Adobe Systems |
216 |
.EM2 - Emax II Bank |
N/A |
217 |
.EM4 - AEM Stinger Engine Management Computer |
Automotive Engine Management |
218 |
.EM8 - AEM 8860 Engine Management Computer |
Automotive Engine Management |
219 |
.EM9 - AEM 8860 Engine Management Computer |
Automotive Engine Management |
220 |
.EMAIL - Outlook Express Email Message Format |
N/A |
221 |
.EMAKEFILE - Erlang Make |
N/A |
222 |
.EMAKERFILE - Erlang Make |
N/A |
223 |
.EMAT - ANSYS Element Matrix |
N/A |
224 |
.EMB - EMBL Nucleotide Format |
N/A |
225 |
.EMBP - Mobipocket EBook Encrypted Auxiliary |
Amazon.com, Inc. |
226 |
.EMC - Striata Reader Encrypted Document Format |
Striata |
227 |
.EMD - Micrografx Media Manager Format |
N/A |
228 |
.EMD1 - Apple GarageBand |
Apple, Inc. |
229 |
.EMELODY - EMelody Ericsson Mobile Ring Tone |
N/A |
230 |
.EMERALD - Emerald Theme Format |
Compiz Fusion |
231 |
.EMF - Enhanced Windows Metafile Picture |
Microsoft |
232 |
.EMI - Pocket Tanks Emitter |
BlitWise Productions LLC |
233 |
.EMIX - Apple Mail Mailbox Message |
Apple, Inc. |
234 |
.EML - Email Message Format |
Microsoft |
235 |
.EMLX - Apple Mail Email Message |
Apple |
236 |
.EMLXPART - Apple Mail Attachment Format |
N/A |
237 |
Parametric Technology Corporation |
238 |
.EMO - Emoticon |
Microsoft Corporation |
239 |
.EMOF - Eclipse EMOF Model |
The Eclipse Foundation |
240 |
.EMP - EMusic File Format |
eMusic.com |
241 |
.EMRG - E-Merge 1.x Data Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
242 |
.EMRG2 - E-Merge 2.0 Data Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
243 |
.EMS - EMachineShop CAD Design |
eMachineShop.com |
244 |
.EMSG - SendSafe E-message |
KJB Software development |
245 |
.EMT - Unreal Engine Emitter |
Epic Games, Inc. |
246 |
.EMULECOLLECTION - EMule Collection Data Format |
eMule |
247 |
.EMV - LabVIEW Configuration |
National Instruments Corporation |
248 |
.EMW - Resident Evil Model |
Capcom Co., Ltd. |
249 |
.EMX - EMusic Download Format |
eMusic.com |
250 |
.EMY - EMelody Ericsson Mobile Ring Tone |
Sony Ericsson |
251 |
.EMZ - Microsoft Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile |
Microsoft |
252 |
.EN$ - Steinberg Cubase Compressed |
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH |
253 |
.EN2 - Articulate Engage Compressed |
Articulate Global, Inc. |
254 |
.ENB - Evernote 2.x Database |
Evernote Corporation |
255 |
.ENC - Encore Musical Notation File Format |
N/A |
256 |
.ENC2 - Samsung Galaxy Firmware Update |
Samsung Group |
257 |
.ENCIPHERED - Malware (ransomware) Encoded |
N/A |
258 |
.END - CorelDRAW Arrow-head Definition |
Corel Corporation |
259 |
.ENEX - Evernote Exported XML Format |
Evernote |
260 |
.ENF - EndNote Filter Format |
Thomson Reuters |
261 |
.ENG - English Language Localization Format |
N/A |
262 |
.ENH - CRiSP Harvest |
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington |
263 |
.ENL - Endnote Library Format |
Thomson Reuters |
264 |
.ENLX - EndNote Archived Library Format |
Thomson Reuters |
265 |
.ENML - Evernote For Google Android Note Format |
Evernote |
266 |
.ENP - EndNote Preferences Format |
Thomson Reuters |
267 |
.ENPACK - EnCase Package |
Guidance Software Inc. |
268 |
.ENQ - EndNote Saved Search Format |
Thomson Reuters |
269 |
.ENREF - EverNote Food |
Evernote Corporation |
270 |
.ENS - EndNote Style Format |
Thomson Reuters |
271 |
.ENT - External Entity |
N/A |
272 |
.ENTITLEMENTS - Apple Mac OS X Sandbox Format |
Apple |
273 |
.ENV - Adobe Acrobat Dictionary Format |
N/A |
274 |
.ENW - EndNote Citation Format |
Thomson Reuters |
275 |
.ENX - IBM Rational XDE |
276 |
.ENYD - Envoy Document |
N/A |
277 |
.ENZ - EndNote Connection Format |
Thomson Reuters |
278 |
.EOC - EncryptOnClick Encrypted |
2BrightSparks |
279 |
.EOF - Embird Outline Format |
BALARAD, s.r.o. |
280 |
.EON - EON Studio |
EON Reality, Inc. |
281 |
.EOO - ArcInfo Workstation Export |
N/A |
282 |
.EOP - EON Studio |
EON Reality, Inc. |
283 |
.EOT - Embedded OpenType Font Format |
N/A |
284 |
.EOX - EON Studio |
EON Reality, Inc. |
285 |
.EOZ - EON Studio |
EON Reality, Inc. |
286 |
.EP - Pencil Project Document Format |
Evolus |
287 |
.EPA - Award Bios Logo Image Format |
N/A |
288 |
.EPB - EPublisher |
WebWorks |
289 |
.EPC - Doctor Who Game Data Format |
290 |
.EPD - ChessDB Extended Position Description |
SourceForge.net |
291 |
.EPDF - Encapsulated Portable Document Format |
N/A |
292 |
.EPF - EPSF Encapsulated Postscript Image Format |
Adobe |
293 |
.EPH - GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris |
Trimble Navigation Limited |
294 |
.EPHTML - Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML |
N/A |
295 |
.EPI - Express Publisher Encapsulated Postscript Format |
N/A |
296 |
.EPIBRW - Web Format Location Format |
N/A |
297 |
.EPIM - EssentialPIM Data |
Astonsoft Ltd. |
298 |
.EPJ - JAVA-clients |
Oracle Corporation |
299 |
.EPK - Metin2 Game Data Package Format |
Ymir Entertainment |
300 |
.EPK2 - E-Prime 2.0 Package Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
301 |
.EPM - Destiny MPE Encoder Encrypted Portable Media |
Destiny Media Technologies, Inc. |
302 |
.EPME - Renamed HJSplit Split WinRAR Archive |
N/A |
303 |
.EPP - EditPad Pro Project Format |
Just Great Software Co. Ltd. |
304 |
.EPR - Photoshop AME Preset Format |
Adobe Systems |
305 |
.EPRJ - Pg4uw Project |
Elnec s.r.o. |
306 |
.EPRT - SolidWorks EDrawing Part |
SolidWorks Corporation |
307 |
.EPRTX - Microsoft XPS Document Related |
Microsoft Corporation |
308 |
.EPS - Encapsulated PostScript Format |
Adobe Systems |
309 |
.EPS2 - Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript |
N/A |
310 |
.EPS3 - Encapsulated PostScript Level 3 |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
311 |
.EPSF - Encapsulated PostScript Format |
Adobe Systems |
312 |
.EPSI - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
313 |
.EPSP - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
314 |
.EPT - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format With TIFF Preview |
N/A |
315 |
.EPUB - Open Publication Structure EBook Format |
316 |
.EPW - EnergyPlus Weather Data Format |
U.S. Department of Energy |
317 |
.EPX - Piranesi 3D Model |
Informatix Software International |
318 |
.EQB - ESignal Quote Board |
eSignal |
319 |
.EQD - EquineMax Data |
Cattlesoft, Inc. |
320 |
.EQF - Winamp Equalizer Settings Format |
Nullsoft |
321 |
.EQL - MathType Settings Format |
N/A |
322 |
.EQN - Corel WordPerfect Equation Format |
N/A |
323 |
.EQP - MathType Preferences Format |
N/A |
324 |
.EQT - ReliaSoft Weibull++ 6 |
ReliaSoft Corporation |
325 |
.EQU - AstroDigital.Net Equipment |
AstroDigital.Net |
326 |
.EQUIV - IBM AIX System File. |
327 |
.EQX - EQuinoX Project |
PAV Technologies |
328 |
.ER1 - AllFusion ERWin Data Format |
Computer Associates |
329 |
.ERAGESOUNDSET - Microsoft Entourage Sound |
Microsoft Corporation |
330 |
.ERB - Evil Genius Resource Format |
N/A |
331 |
.ERBSQL - Ruby SQL |
Ruby community |
332 |
.ERC - Ercato Engine |
Living Pages Research GmbH. |
333 |
.ERD - Active Media Eclipse Resource Database |
The Eclipse Foundation |
334 |
.ERF - Epson Camera RAW Format |
335 |
.ERI - ERI-chan (Entis Rasterized Image) Image Format |
N/A |
336 |
.ERIK - Xmap |
DeLorme |
337 |
.ERL - NProtect GameGuard Log Format |
Ericsson |
338 |
.ERM - Prosa Entity Relationship Diagram Model |
Insoft Oy. |
339 |
.ERO - ELibrary Reader Object |
SVIC INDIA e-Learning Company |
340 |
.ERP - Alter Ego Game Format |
Future Games |
341 |
.ERR - Error Log Format |
N/A |
342 |
.ERS - ER Mapper Data Format |
343 |
.ERSX - Eraser Task List Format |
Eraser |
344 |
.ERT - Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Script |
The 3DO Company |
345 |
.ERUBIS - Erubis Script |
kuwata-lab |
346 |
.ERV - ER Mapper ASCII Header |
ERDAS, Inc. |
347 |
.ERX - ER Data Model |
N/A |
348 |
.ER_ - Microsoft Winhelp Compressed |
Microsoft Corporation |
349 |
Psychology Software Tools |
350 |
.ES2 - E-Prime E-Studio Experiment Format |
Psychology Software Tools |
351 |
.ES3 - Canon VIXIA HG21 High Resolution Exported Movie |
N/A |
352 |
.ESB - Es-Builder Database Format |
Season Workshop |
353 |
.ESC - PRTWin |
354 |
SpinTop Games |
355 |
.ESCO - Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 7 Firmware |
Nokia Corporation |
356 |
.ESCOPY - ES File Explorer Temporary |
ES APP Group |
357 |
.ESD - ExpertScan Survey Document Format |
AutoData Systems |
358 |
.ESE - Millions Email Generator Syntax Settings Format |
Encrypt4all Software |
359 |
.ESE2 - Edius Seek Information |
Grass Valley USA, LLC. |
360 |
.ESET - Extensions Manager Settings |
N/A |
361 |
.ESF - Total War Campaign Settings |
The Creative Assembly |
362 |
.ESG - Pangea Enigmo Saved Game Format |
Pangea |
363 |
.ESH - Extended Shell Batch File |
N/A |
364 |
.ESI - Escape Level Index |
tom7.org |
365 |
.ESK - ESignal Scan |
eSignal |
366 |
.ESKIN - Emperor Theme Skin |
diekollegen.at |
367 |
.ESL - Everest Authoring System Screen Library |
Intersystem Concepts, Inc. |
368 |
.ESM - Elder Scrolls Master Format |
Bethesda Softworks |
369 |
.ESN - Windows XP System32 |
Microsoft Corporation |
370 |
.ESO - DesignBuilder EnergyPlus Output |
DesignBuilder Software Ltd |
371 |
.ESP - Gamebryo Game Engine Plug-in Format |
Bethesda Softworks |
372 |
.ESPF - Encapsulated PostScript |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
373 |
.ESPROJ - MacRabbit Espresso Project Format |
MacRabbit |
374 |
.ESPS - ESPS Audio Format |
N/A |
375 |
.ESQ - Embroidery Sequence Format |
VSM Group |
376 |
.ESS - EXP Style Sheet Format |
Bethesda Softworks |
377 |
.EST - Microsoft Streets & Trips Trip Format |
Microsoft |
378 |
.EST_UAX - Spanish Unreal Audio Package |
Epic Games |
379 |
.ESU - LokSound Electronic Sound Format |
Electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH & Co. KG |
380 |
.ESV - Principia Stock Research Document |
Morningstar |
381 |
.ESX - Xactimate Format |
Xactware Solutions |
382 |
.ET - ETwin Project Format |
Kingsoft |
383 |
.ETA - Keyhole EarthViewer Placemark Or Overlay Format |
Google |
384 |
.ETB2 - Timbuktu Pro Resource |
Netopia, Inc., a Motorola Company |
385 |
.ETC - EarthTime |
DeskSoft |
386 |
.ETD - Acrobat EBook Reader EBX Transfer Data Format |
Adobe Systems |
387 |
.ETEX - ETutor Questions |
EpsilonSoft |
388 |
.ETF - Enigma Transportable Format |
MakeMusic |
389 |
.ETFF - Encrypt4all Theme Format |
Encrypt4all Software |
390 |
.ETH - Ethnograph Data |
Qualis Research |
391 |
.ETI - ETI (Ensemble Transport Interface) Stream |
Communications Research Centre Canada |
392 |
.ETK - Orgadata LogiKal |
Orgadata AG |
393 |
.ETL - Microsoft Windows Trace Log Format |
Microsoft |
394 |
.ETNG - RM Easiteach Next Generation Document |
RM Education |
395 |
.ETNT - RM Easiteach Next Generation Template |
RM Education |
396 |
.ETO - Microsoft Visual Studio Policy Cache |
Microsoft Corporation |
397 |
.ETP - Visual Studio .NET |
Microsoft Corporation |
398 |
.ETQ - ESignal Time And Quotes |
eSignal |
399 |
.ETS - Enthuware Test Studio Document |
Enthuware |
400 |
.ETT - Kingsoft Spreadsheet Format |
Kingsoft |
401 |
.ETW - MagicSing Audio |
Enter Tech |
402 |
.ETX - Setext Structure Enhanced Text Format |
N/A |
403 |
.ETZ - RAM Elements Model |
Bentley Systems, Incorporated |
404 |
.EUC - UNIX Japanese Text (Kanji) Format |
N/A |
405 |
.EUF - Private Character Editor Format |
Microsoft |
406 |
.EUHL - Eudora For Mac Help |
QUALCOMM Incorporated |
407 |
.EUI - Ensoniq ESP Family Compacted Disk Image |
N/A |
408 |
.EUM - WaveRider Enterprise User Monitor Configuration Format |
N/A |
409 |
.EUR - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite EU Region Save Game |
Capcom Co., Ltd. |
410 |
.EV - Echoview Format |
Myriax Software |
411 |
.EV1 - Calendar Commander Version 1 Event |
Briggs Softworks |
412 |
.EV2 - Calendar Commander Version 2 Event |
Briggs Softworks |
413 |
.EV3 - HY-TEK Sports Team Manager Meet Event Format |
HY-TEK Sports Software |
414 |
LEGO Group |
415 |
N/A |
416 |
.EVC - Earthview |
DeskSoft |
417 |
.EVCS - XILS 3 Audio Sample Bank |
XILS labs |
418 |
.EVD - Grand Theft Auto IV Vehicle Extended Data |
Rockstar Games, Inc. |
419 |
.EVE - Embedded Vector Editor Diagram |
Barry Kauler |
420 |
.EVENT - Corel Catalog Format |
Corel |
421 |
.EVF - ENVI Vector |
Exelis Visual Information Solutions |
422 |
.EVL - EchoView Exported Line |
Myriax Software Pty Ltd. |
423 |
.EVM - Windows Vista Session Configuration |
Microsoft Corporation |
424 |
.EVN - Retrosheet Event |
Retrosheet |
425 |
.EVO - HD DVD Video Format |
N/A |
426 |
.EVP - Earthview Configuration |
DeskSoft |
427 |
.EVR - Enhanced Variable Rate Audio Format |
Qualcomm |
428 |
.EVRC - Enhanced Variable Rate Codec Audio |
N/A |
429 |
.EVS - Easy Stand Alone |
Nicolaudie |
430 |
.EVT - Microsoft Windows 2000 And XP Event Log Format |
Microsoft |
431 |
.EVTX - Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Event Log Format |
Microsoft |
432 |
.EVX - EVO Record |
Caltech |
433 |
.EVY - Corel Envoy Document Format |
Corel |
434 |
.EVZ - EVO Compressed Record |
Caltech |
435 |
.EWB - NI Multisim Electronics Workbench Format |
National Instruments |
436 |
.EWC - EWView Configuration |
EW Avionics |
437 |
.EWC2 - EDIUS WaveForm Cache |
Grass Valley USA, LLC. |
438 |
.EWD - EasyWOOD Format |
439 |
.EWD3 - InstallShield |
Flexera Software, Inc. |
440 |
.EWI - Play Instrument |
Sounds Online (East West Communications, Inc.) |
441 |
.EWL - Microsoft Encarta Document |
Microsoft Corporation |
442 |
.EWM - EWView Geographic Data |
EW Avionics |
443 |
.EWP - ECommerce Website Builder Project Format |
Ewisoft |
444 |
.EWS - EasyWorship Schedule Format |
Softouch Development |
445 |
.EWSMBOX - Apple Mail |
Apple, Inc. |
446 |
.EWT - EWView Trace Data |
EW Avionics |
447 |
.EWW - ER Mapper World Data |
ERDAS, Inc. |
448 |
.EX - Norton Ghost Template Format |
Norton |
449 |
.EX3 - Harvard Graphics Device Driver |
N/A |
450 |
.EX4 - MetaTrader Program Format |
MetaQuotes |
451 |
.EXA - Examine32 Saved Search Paramaters |
Aquila Software |
452 |
.EXAML - Examine32 Saved Search Parameters |
Aquila Software |
453 |
.EXAMPLE - Example Configuration Format |
N/A |
454 |
.EXB - Evernote Database Format |
Evernote Corporation |
455 |
.EXC - Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary Format |
Microsoft |
456 |
.EXD - Control Information Cache Format |
Microsoft |
457 |
.EXE - PortableApps.com Format |
Microsoft |
458 |
.EXE1 - Renamed Executable Format |
N/A |
459 |
.EXE4J - Exe4j Configuration Format |
Ej-technologies |
460 |
.EXF - Exchangeable Image File Format |
Stuffware |
461 |
.EXG - JSDAI Express-G Schema |
LKSoftWare GmbH |
462 |
.EXH - NHL Game Exhibition Roster |
Electronic Arts, Inc. |
463 |
.EXIF - Exchangeable Image Format |
N/A |
464 |
.EXJ - Java |
Oracle Corporation |
465 |
.EXL - Export Lister Format |
SysTools |
466 |
.EXM - RapidExam Test Format |
Boson Holdings |
467 |
.EXOPC - ExoPC Application Format |
ExoPC |
468 |
.EXP - CATIA Export Format |
N/A |
469 |
.EXPORTEDFAVORITES - Transmit For Mac Exported Logins Format |
Panic |
470 |
.EXPORTEDUI - Microsoft Office Import Customization |
Microsoft Corporation |
471 |
.EXPRESSIONMAP - Cubase Expression Map Format |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
472 |
.EXR - OpenEXR Image Format |
Industrial Light & Magic |
473 |
.EXS - Apple Logic EXS24 Instrument Format |
Apple |
474 |
.EXSD - Eclipse IDE Extension Point Schema |
The Eclipse Foundation |
475 |
.EXT - Norton Commander Extension Format |
N/A |
476 |
.EXT2 - Linux Second Extended System |
Various Linux developers |
477 |
.EXTRA - Mozilla Firefox Crash Report Format |
Mozilla |
478 |
.EXTREP - SAGE External Representation |
Sage Project |
479 |
.EXU - Euphoria For Linux Source Code |
Rapid Deployment Software |
480 |
.EXV - Adobe Extension Script |
Adobe Systems |
481 |
.EXW - Euphoria Windows Source Code Format |
Rapid Deployment Software |
482 |
.EXX - IBM LinkWay Intermediate Format |
483 |
.EXY - Eltac Embroidery Format |
N/A |
484 |
.EX_ - Compressed EXE Format |
Microsoft |
485 |
.EYB - Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Yearbook Update Format |
Microsoft |
486 |
.EYE - Eyemail ETI Camcorder Pro Video Format |
487 |
.EYS - Sierra Expanded Embroidery Format |
N/A |
488 |
.EZ - EZ Word Word Processor Document |
Andrew Consortium |
489 |
.EZB - EasyBoot Image |
EZB Systems, Inc. |
490 |
.EZC - AutoCAD Ecscad Components Backup Format |
Autodesk |
491 |
.EZDRAW - EazyDraw Picture Format |
Dekorra Optics |
492 |
.EZE - ErZorScript Source |
N/A |
493 |
.EZK - EasyKrypt Encrypted |
EasyKrypt LLC. |
494 |
.EZLOG - Skype Extras Manager Log Format |
Skype |
495 |
.EZM - EasyOffice Mail |
E-PRESS Corp. |
496 |
.EZP - AutoCAD Ecscad Project Backup Format |
Autodesk |
497 |
.EZS - EZ-R Stats For Windows Batch Submit Format |
N/A |
498 |
.EZT - Worm.Win32.AutoRun.ezt Format |
Microsoft |
499 |
.EZW - EasyOFFER Real Estate Form Format |
Reagency Systems |
500 |
.E_E - Renamed Executable Format |
N/A |