0 |
.O - Object Format |
N/A |
1 |
.O01 - Typhoon Voice |
FMJ-Software |
2 |
.O2C - Objects To See 3D |
N/A |
3 |
.O8D - OCTGN Deck |
N/A |
4 |
.O8G - OCTGN Game Definition |
N/A |
5 |
.O8O - Mediator 5 Repository Tabs Vorlagen.006 |
N/A |
6 |
.O8S - OCTGN Set |
N/A |
7 |
.OAB - Microsoft Outlook Offline Address Book Format |
N/A |
8 |
.OAD - Suite Notaro Document |
9 |
.OAF - Microsoft Flight Simulator Texture |
Microsoft Studios |
10 |
.OAM - Adobe Edge Overlay Format |
Adobe Systems |
11 |
.OAP - Samsung Bada Signed Installation Package |
Samsung Group |
12 |
.OAR - OpenSimulator Archive Format |
N/A |
13 |
.OAS - Microsoft Outlook Attachment Sniffer |
rsbr Software |
14 |
.OAT - Google Android RunTime Code |
Google Inc. |
15 |
.OAV - Microsoft Flight Simulator Texture |
Microsoft Studios |
16 |
.OAW - OpenArchitectureWare Workflow |
N/A |
17 |
.OAZ - NetFax Manager OAZ Fax Image |
N/A |
18 |
.OB - IBM LinkWay Object |
19 |
.OB! - Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download Format |
Orbit Downloader |
20 |
.OB3 - ABF Software Outlook Backup Backup |
ABF software, Inc. |
21 |
.OB5 - TopLang OE Backup |
N/A |
22 |
.OBAK - WinSQL Offline Backup |
23 |
.OBB - Google Android Opaque Binary Blob Format |
Google |
24 |
.OBD - Microsoft Office Binder Document Format |
Microsoft |
25 |
.OBF - OsmAnd Offline GPS Vector Maps |
OsmAnd Development Project |
26 |
.OBG - ZBrush Mesh |
Pixologic, Inc. |
27 |
.OBI - Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010/2013 RSS Subscription Format |
Microsoft |
28 |
.OBJ - 3D Object Format |
Wavefront Technologies |
29 |
.OBJX - Metatools Object Bryce Support |
DAZ 3D Inc. |
30 |
.OBK - OrCAD Capture Design Or Library |
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. |
31 |
.OBL - TrueSpace |
Caligari Corporation |
32 |
.OBML - Opera Mini Saved Web Page Format |
Opera Software |
33 |
.OBML15 - Opera Mini 5.1 Saved Web Page |
Opera Software ASA |
34 |
.OBP - Bryce Object Format |
DAZ Productions |
35 |
.OBPACK - ObjectBar Theme Pack |
Stardock Corporation |
36 |
.OBR - Borland C++ Object Browser Data |
Micro Focus International plc |
37 |
.OBS - WAsP Obstacle List |
Wind Energy Division at Risø DTU, Denmark |
38 |
.OBT - Openbox Theme Format |
Openbox |
39 |
.OBV - 3D Photo Browser Thumbnail Cache |
Mootools software |
40 |
.OBW - Toontrack Superior Drummer Audio Format |
Toontrack |
41 |
.OBX - Rational XDE |
42 |
.OBYX - Obyx Control |
Obyx |
43 |
.OBZ - Compressed 3D Object Format |
Smith Micro |
44 |
.OC3 - OpenCanvas 3 Event Format |
Portalgraphics |
45 |
.OC4 - OpenCanvas 4 Event Format |
Portalgraphics |
46 |
.OC5 - OpenCanvas 5 Event Format |
Portalgraphics |
47 |
.OC9 - OrgCon Organization |
EcoMerc |
48 |
.OCA - Custom Control Library Type Format |
Microsoft |
49 |
.OCAMLMAKEFILE - Caml Programming Language Makefile |
N/A |
50 |
.OCB - Origin Precompiled Origin C |
OriginLab Corporation |
51 |
.OCC - Oceanic DataPool Format |
Oceanic Consulting Corporation |
52 |
.OCD - OCAD Digitized Map Format |
53 |
.OCDC - Mathematica Document |
Wolfram Research, Inc. |
54 |
.OCDF - OneClickDigital Mp3 Audio Book |
Recorded Books LLC |
55 |
.OCE - Open Catalog Extension Connection Format |
Oracle |
56 |
.OCEN - EdGCM Data |
N/A |
57 |
.OCF - OM2 Cipher |
OM2 Technology Inc. |
58 |
.OCG - Osprey Custom Graph |
Mount Sinai Hospital |
59 |
.OCI - OpenCanvas Image Format |
Portalgraphics |
60 |
.OCM - Netscape Communicator Aim |
AOL Inc. |
61 |
.OCP - Advanced Art Studio Image |
N/A |
62 |
.OCR - FaxGrapper FAX Transcribed Text Format |
Nuance Communications |
63 |
.OCT - RADIANCE Octree Format |
Radiance |
64 |
.OCTEST - Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle |
Apple |
65 |
.OCV - OCV Training Data |
N/A |
66 |
.OCX - ActiveX Control Format |
Microsoft |
67 |
.OC_ - Compressed ActiveX Control |
N/A |
68 |
.OD - Mascotte Mascopt Request Format |
69 |
.OD1 - Omnis 5 Database |
TigerLogic Corp. (Omnis Technology Corporation) |
70 |
.OD2 - Omnis 5 Database |
TigerLogic Corp. (Omnis Technology Corporation) |
71 |
.OD3 - Omnis Studio Database |
TigerLogic Corp. (Omnis Technology Corporation) |
72 |
.OD4-9 - Omnis5 Database |
N/A |
73 |
.ODB - ArcView Object Database ASCII Format |
74 |
.ODC - OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Format |
Microsoft |
75 |
.ODCCUBEFILE - OpenDocument 1 |
N/A |
76 |
.ODCNEWFILE - Microsoft Office Data Connection |
Microsoft Corporation |
77 |
.ODCTABLEFILE - Microsoft Office |
Microsoft Corporation |
78 |
.ODE - Microsoft Office |
Microsoft Corporation |
79 |
.ODEX - Google Android Optimized Executalbe |
Google Inc. |
80 |
.ODF - Open Document Interchange Format (ODIF) |
Oracle |
81 |
.ODG - OpenDocument Drawing Format |
82 |
.ODH - Microsoft Visual Studio Interface Definition Language |
Microsoft Corporation |
83 |
.ODI - OpenOffice.org Image Format |
84 |
.ODIF - Open Document Interchange Format |
85 |
.ODL - Object Description Language Format |
Microsoft |
86 |
.ODM - OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Global Text Document Format |
OverDrive |
87 |
.ODO - ICUBE Online Operating System Write Document Format |
iCUBE Network Solutions |
88 |
.ODP - OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Presentation Format |
Oracle |
89 |
.ODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet Format |
Oracle |
90 |
.ODT - ODF Text Document Format |
Oracle |
91 |
.ODT# - OpenOffice.org Locked Document |
OpenOffice.org Project Team |
92 |
.ODTPC - Oracle User Productivity Kit Presentation |
Oracle Corporation |
93 |
.ODTTF - Microsoft Office Document Embedded Font |
Microsoft Corporation |
94 |
.ODV - Ocean Data View Data |
N/A |
95 |
.ODVI - LaTeX |
N/A |
96 |
.ODX - Microsoft BizTalk Server Diagram Format |
Microsoft |
97 |
.OD_ - Oracle Compressed Driver |
Oracle Corporation |
98 |
.OEACCAOUNT - Windows Mail |
Microsoft Corporation |
99 |
.OEACCOUNT - Windows Mail Account Settings Format |
Microsoft |
100 |
.OEB - Open EBook Format |
101 |
.OECL - Open EDA Component Library |
N/A |
102 |
.OEF - Optim Export |
103 |
.OEM - OEM Install Data Format |
Microsoft |
104 |
.OEMIGACCOUNT - Outlook Express Temporary |
Microsoft Corporation |
105 |
.OET - ESignal Order Entry Ticket |
eSignal |
106 |
.OEX - Opera Add-on Format |
Opera Software |
107 |
.OFA - Kodak OfotoNow |
Eastman Kodak Company |
108 |
.OFB - Oxygen Forensic Suite Backup |
Oxygen Software Company |
109 |
.OFC - Open Financial Connectivity Format |
Microsoft |
110 |
.OFD - ObjectView Form Definition |
Cypresslogic Systems Inc. |
111 |
.OFF - DEC 3D Object File Format |
N/A |
112 |
.OFFICEUI - Microsoft Office UI Customization |
Microsoft Corporation |
113 |
.OFFSETS - Offset |
N/A |
114 |
.OFL - OtsTurntables Playlist |
Ots Labs |
115 |
.OFM - Adobe PostScript Font Description Format |
Melco |
116 |
.OFN - MS Office File New (Other Office Documents) |
Microsoft Corporation |
117 |
.OFP - Objecteering Project |
Objecteering Software |
118 |
.OFR - OptimFROG Encoded Audio |
OptimFROG |
119 |
.OFS - OptimFROG Dualstream |
N/A |
120 |
.OFT - Microsoft Outlook Template Format |
Microsoft |
121 |
.OFX - Open Financial Exchange Format |
N/A |
122 |
.OGA - Ogg Vorbis Audio Profile Format |
Xiph.Org |
123 |
.OGD - Oracle Forms Graph |
Oracle Corporation |
124 |
.OGF - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model Format |
GSC Game World |
125 |
.OGG - Ogg Vorbis Audio Format |
Xiph.Org |
126 |
.OGL - ATI Overlay Source Code |
N/A |
127 |
.OGM - Ogg Vorbis Media Format |
N/A |
128 |
.OGNC - Dynamic Web Page Format |
N/A |
129 |
.OGO - Origin Graphic Object |
N/A |
130 |
.OGR - OGR C++ Open Source Library |
N/A |
131 |
.OGS - Origin Script Format |
Origons |
132 |
.OGV - Ogg Vorbis Video Format |
Xiph.Org |
133 |
.OGW - OriginLab Worksheet |
OriginLab Corporation |
134 |
.OGX - Ogg Vorbis Multiplex Profile |
Xiph.Org |
135 |
.OGZ - Cube 2 Sauerbraten Map Format |
Wouter van Oortmerssen |
136 |
.OH - DrillAssistant List |
N/A |
137 |
.OH4 - Overhoor List |
Efka-Soft |
138 |
.OHP - MS-DOS 7 |
Microsoft Corporation |
139 |
.OHS - Bink Outbound History |
RAD Game Tools, Inc. |
140 |
.OHW - Overhoor DrillAssistant List |
N/A |
141 |
.OIF - QuickBase Web-sharable Database Interchange |
Intuit Inc. |
142 |
.OIL - Open Image Library Format Image Format |
N/A |
143 |
.OJP - 3WayPack |
N/A |
144 |
.OK - Qedit |
Robelle |
145 |
.OKM - OkMap Map Defining |
Gian Paolo Saliola |
146 |
.OKOZO - Okozo Desktop Animation |
Okozo |
147 |
.OKR - PowerRecover One Key Recovery |
CyberLink Corp. |
148 |
.OKS - OKScript |
Mike Mardesich |
149 |
.OKT - Oktalyzer Music Module (MOD) Format |
N/A |
150 |
.OKX - OKScript |
Mike Mardesich |
151 |
.OL - Valve Hammer Object Layout |
Valve Corporation |
152 |
.OLA - Online Access Format |
N/A |
153 |
.OLB - Microsoft Office OLE Object Library Format |
Microsoft |
154 |
.OLB2 - CanOpener Library |
Abbot Systems |
155 |
.OLD - Backup Plus Backup Format |
N/A |
156 |
.OLE - Microsoft Object Linking And Embedding |
Microsoft Corporation |
157 |
.OLE2 - Microsoft Office Binary Document Container Format |
Microsoft Corporation |
158 |
.OLF - OyezForms Legal Documents |
Oyez Legal Software |
159 |
.OLK - Microsoft Outlook Address Book Format |
Microsoft |
160 |
.OLK14CATEGORY - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Category Format |
Microsoft |
161 |
.OLK14CONTACT - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Contact Format |
Microsoft |
162 |
.OLK14DBHEADER - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Database |
Microsoft Corporation |
163 |
.OLK14EVENT - Outlook Calendar Event Format |
Microsoft |
164 |
.OLK14FOLDER - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Folder |
Microsoft Corporation |
165 |
.OLK14GROUP - Outlook Group Format |
Microsoft |
166 |
.OLK14MAILACCOUNT - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Mail Account Settings Format |
Microsoft |
167 |
.OLK14MESSAGE - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Format |
Microsoft |
168 |
.OLK14MSGATTACH - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Attachment |
Microsoft Corporation |
169 |
.OLK14MSGSOURCE - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Message Source Format |
Microsoft |
170 |
.OLK14NOTE - Outlook Note Format |
Microsoft |
171 |
.OLK14PREF - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Preferences Format |
Microsoft |
172 |
.OLK14RECENT - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Recent Address |
Microsoft Corporation |
173 |
.OLK14RULE - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Rule |
Microsoft Corporation |
174 |
.OLK14SCHEDULE - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Schedule |
Microsoft Corporation |
175 |
.OLK14SEARCH - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Saved Search |
Microsoft Corporation |
176 |
.OLK14SIGNATURE - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Signature Format |
Microsoft |
177 |
.OLK14TASK - Outlook Task Format |
Microsoft |
178 |
.OLK14UID - Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac UID |
Microsoft Corporation |
179 |
.OLL - TrialDirector Load |
inData Corporation |
180 |
.OLM - Microsoft Outlook For Mac Data Format |
Microsoft |
181 |
.OLN - Microsoft Visual C++ Outline Examples |
Microsoft Corporation |
182 |
.OLPROJ - Adobe OnLocation |
Adobe Systems Incorporated |
183 |
.OLS - Microsoft Office List Shortcut |
Microsoft Corporation |
184 |
.OLT - Orbit Downloader Download List Format |
Orbit Downloader |
185 |
.OLV - Roller Coaster Tycoon |
Chris Sawyer |
186 |
.OLY - AFP Advanced Function Presentation Overlay Resource |
187 |
.OMA - Sony OpenMG Music Format |
Sony |
188 |
.OMC - Origin Customized Menu |
OriginLab Corporation |
189 |
.OMCS - Office Manager Access Format |
Krekeler |
190 |
.OMD - MapInfo Routing J Server Data |
Pitney Bowes Software Inc. (MapInfo) |
191 |
.OMEG - Mathematica For Mac |
Wolfram Research, Inc. |
192 |
.OMF - Open Media Framework Format |
Avid Technology |
193 |
.OMFI - Open Media Framework |
N/A |
194 |
.OMG - O&O DiskImage Backup Format |
O&O Software GmBH |
195 |
.OML - TracePro Model |
Lambda Research Corporation |
196 |
.OMN - Omnipotent Collection |
N/A |
197 |
.OMO - OMake Object Format |
OMake |
198 |
.OMOD - Oblivion Mod Manager Mod Format |
N/A |
199 |
.OMP - Office Manager Pro Document Archive |
Krekeler |
200 |
.OMR - OMR Template |
Abhinav Parihar |
201 |
.OMS - Order Maven |
Briggs Softworks |
202 |
.OMT - SITH HLA Object Model Template |
Open Channel Software |
203 |
.OMX - OtsAV Media Library Information Format |
Ots Labs |
204 |
.ON2 - On2 Encoded FLV |
N/A |
205 |
.OND - Lotus Notes Format |
206 |
.ONE - Microsoft OneNote Document Format |
Microsoft |
207 |
.ONECACHE - Microsoft OneNote Cache |
Microsoft Corporation |
208 |
.ONEPKG - Microsoft OneNote Package Format |
Microsoft |
209 |
.ONETMP - Microsoft OneNote Temporary |
Microsoft Corporation |
210 |
.ONETOC - Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents |
Microsoft Corporation |
211 |
.ONETOC2 - Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents Format |
Microsoft |
212 |
.ONM - Outdoor Navigator Map |
Maptech, Inc. |
213 |
.ONT - TheWord Module Format |
theWord Bible Software |
214 |
.ONTX - TheWord Encrypted Module Format |
theWord Bible Software |
215 |
.ONW - Omron HMI NTST |
Omron Corporation |
216 |
.ONX - OnyxGrass Image |
Onyx Computing, Inc. |
217 |
.OO3 - Omni Group Outliner 3 Format |
The Omni Group |
218 |
.OOG - PyGraph Python Graphics Interface Object Oriented Graphics |
Python Software Foundation |
219 |
.OOGL - Geomview Object Oriented Graphics Library |
Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota |
220 |
.OOK - Arachne Batch Script Format |
Arachne |
221 |
.OOS - OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet |
OpenOffice.org Project Team |
222 |
.OOT - OpenOffice.org Text |
OpenOffice.org Project Team |
223 |
.OP - ESignal OptionsPlus |
eSignal |
224 |
.OP2 - Outpost 2 Saved Game |
Dynamix, Inc. |
225 |
.OP4 - Nastran Output |
MSC Software Corporation |
226 |
.OPA - Fly! RAW Image Opacity Map |
Terminal Reality |
227 |
.OPAL - Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Language-specific Settings |
Microsoft Corporation |
228 |
.OPAX - Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Standard Settings |
Microsoft Corporation |
229 |
.OPB - Bryce Object |
DAZ 3D Inc. |
230 |
.OPC - Microsoft Office 97 Upgrade Control |
Microsoft Corporation |
231 |
.OPD - Durango Interferometry Software Document Format |
Diffraction International Ltd. |
232 |
.OPDOWNLOAD - Opera Next Incomplete Download |
Opera Software |
233 |
.OPEF - OmniPass Encrypted Folder |
Softex Incorporated |
234 |
.OPENBSD - OpenBSD Readme Format |
N/A |
235 |
.OPF - Open Packaging Format |
236 |
.OPG - Offline Plan Generation Package |
N/A |
237 |
.OPI - Adlib OCR Processing Information |
Adlib Software |
238 |
.OPJ - OrCAD Capture Project Format |
Cadence Design Systems |
239 |
.OPK - Sinking Island/LIle Noyée Game |
N/A |
240 |
.OPLC - Nokia Logo Format |
Nokia |
241 |
.OPLM - Outline Processor Markup Language |
N/A |
242 |
.OPML - OPML Outline Processor Markup Language File Format |
N/A |
243 |
.OPN - Court Opinion |
N/A |
244 |
.OPP - IPhotoDVD |
Kerensoft |
245 |
.OPPC - Space Marine Game Resource Package |
Relic Entertainment Inc. |
246 |
.OPQ - Eschalon: Book I Game |
Basilisk Games |
247 |
.OPR - OPRO X Browser |
OPRO Japan Co.,Ltd. |
248 |
.OPS - Microsoft Office Profile Settings Format |
Microsoft |
249 |
.OPT - MySQL Database Data Format |
N/A |
250 |
.OPTIONS - SE-SOFT Configuration Format |
251 |
.OPTS - Linux Configuration Options Format |
N/A |
252 |
.OPUS - Opus Audio Format |
Xiph.Org |
253 |
.OPW - OrgPlus For Windows Organization Chart |
Insperity, Inc. |
254 |
.OPX - Microsoft Office Organization Chart File Format |
Insperity Business Services |
255 |
.OPXT - OrpPlus Template |
Insperity, Inc. |
256 |
.OPY - OptiY Model |
OptiY GmbH |
257 |
.OP_ - GKSetup Support |
GkWare e.K. |
258 |
.OQY - Microsoft Excel OLAP Query Format |
Microsoft |
259 |
.OR2 - Lotus Organizer 2 Format |
260 |
.OR3 - IBM Lotus Organizer 97 Format |
261 |
.OR4 - Lotus Organizer Data Format |
262 |
.OR5 - IBM Lotus Organizer Format |
263 |
.OR6 - Lotus Organizer Data Format |
264 |
.OR8 - Rational Rose Oracle8 Database Model Report |
265 |
.ORA - Oracle Database Parameter Configuration Format |
Oracle |
266 |
.ORB - Original EBook Reader Ebook |
N/A |
267 |
.ORC - CSound Orchestra Midi Format |
N/A |
268 |
.ORDEREDTEST - Microsoft Visual Studio Ordered Test Format |
Microsoft |
269 |
.ORE - Ore Executable Format |
crait |
270 |
.ORF - Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image Format |
Olympus |
271 |
.ORG - Lotus Organiser Format |
N/A |
272 |
.ORG2+ - Lotus Organizer |
273 |
.ORI - Original Format |
N/A |
274 |
.ORIG - Original Format |
N/A |
275 |
.ORIGINAL - Netobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message |
NetObjects Inc. |
276 |
.ORIGINAL_EPUB - EPUB Ebook Backup |
N/A |
277 |
.ORIGINAL_MOBI - MOBI Ebook Backup |
N/A |
278 |
.ORK - Warhammer Mark Of Chaos Game Archive |
Games Workshop Group PLC |
279 |
.ORL - Object-Relational Language |
N/A |
280 |
.ORMDESIGNER - ORM Designer Project |
Inventic s.r.o. |
281 |
.ORS - DSP Group TrueSpeech Audio Format |
N/A |
282 |
.ORT - COREX Orthographic Transcriptions Format |
N/A |
283 |
.ORV - Oracom Video Format |
Oracom |
284 |
.ORX - RadiantOne Virtual Directory Server Database Schema |
Radiant Logic |
285 |
.ORZ - Holic Game |
Netgame |
286 |
.OS - ObjectScript Source Format |
ObjectScript |
287 |
.OS2 - Os2 System |
288 |
.OS3 - OS/2 Warp 3 |
289 |
.OSA - W32/Sober-AD |
N/A |
290 |
.OSAS - Apple Script Library Tani Script |
N/A |
291 |
.OSAX - FindFile OSAX Mac Format Type |
Apple |
292 |
.OSB - OpenStreetMap Binary Map Format |
Merkaartor |
293 |
.OSBX - OneSafe Exported Backup |
Lunabee Pte Ltd |
294 |
.OSC - Remote Installation Services Client Installation Wizard Format |
Microsoft Corporation |
295 |
.OSCD - TouchOSC Interface Editor Template |
hexler |
296 |
.OSD - Open Software Description |
Microsoft Corporation |
297 |
.OSDX - Microsoft Windows Search Connector Format |
Microsoft |
298 |
.OSF - Descent 3 Sound |
Interplay Entertainment Corporation |
299 |
osg.js |
300 |
.OSK - Osu! Skin Format |
peppy |
301 |
.OSL - OckamSoft Log |
Ockam Instruments, Inc. |
302 |
.OSM - OpenStreetMap Data Format |
OpenStreetMap |
303 |
.OSP - OpenShot Project Format |
Jonathan Thomas |
304 |
.OSR - Osu! Game Replay Format |
peppy |
305 |
.OSS - Microsoft Office Saved Search Format |
Microsoft |
306 |
.OST - Microsoft Outlook Inbox Off-line Folder Format |
Microsoft |
307 |
.OSU - Osu! Dialog Format |
peppy |
308 |
.OSW - ONESWING Contents |
Keisokugiken corporation |
309 |
.OSX - Apple Mac OS PowerPC Executable Format |
N/A |
310 |
.OSZ - Osu! Beatmap Format |
peppy |
311 |
.OT - TheWord Text Module Format |
theWord Bible Software |
312 |
.OTA - OTA Bitmap Format |
Nokia |
313 |
.OTB - Nokia OTA Bitmap Format |
Nokia |
314 |
.OTC - OpenDocument Chart Template Format |
315 |
.OTD - OpenIV Texture Data |
N/A |
316 |
.OTF - OpenType Font File Format |
N/A |
317 |
.OTG - OpenOffice.org Graphics Document Template |
318 |
.OTH - OpenOffice.org OpenDocument HTML Text Template |
319 |
.OTI - OpenDocument Image Template Format |
320 |
.OTL - Super NoteTab Template Format |
Fookes Software |
321 |
.OTLN - Opal Outline Format |
A Sharp |
322 |
.OTM - Microsoft Outlook Macro Format |
Microsoft |
323 |
.OTP - OpenOffice.org Presentation Template Format |
324 |
.OTR - IRIX Complied FTR |
Silicon Graphics, Inc. |
325 |
.OTRKEY - OTRKEY Encoded Video Format |
OnlineTvRecorder.com |
326 |
.OTS - OpenOffice.org OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template Format |
327 |
.OTT - OpenOffice.org Text Document Template Format |
328 |
.OTV - Rotor-Disc OTV Kit OTV Calibration |
329 |
.OTX - TheWord Encrypted Module Format |
theWord Bible Software |
330 |
.OTZ - OpenLP Theme Format |
OpenLP |
331 |
.OUT - Output Format |
N/A |
332 |
.OUTLINE - FontTwister Letter Outline |
Neuber Software |
333 |
.OUTLOOK97 - Microsoft Outlook Custom Mail |
Microsoft Corporation |
334 |
.OUX - Bibexcel |
Olle Persson |
335 |
.OV - OpenInsight Database Overflow |
Revelation Software |
336 |
.OV1 - Overlay |
Microsoft Corporation |
337 |
.OV2 - TomTom Navigator Point Of Interest Format |
TomTom |
338 |
.OV3 - Overlay |
Microsoft Corporation |
339 |
.OV4 - Overlay |
Microsoft Corporation |
340 |
.OV5 - Overlay |
Microsoft Corporation |
341 |
.OVA - Open Virtual Machine Format |
VMware |
342 |
.OVD - ObjectVision Data |
Borland Software Corporation |
343 |
.OVE - Overture Music Score Format |
GenieSoft |
344 |
.OVF - Open Virtualization Format Package |
VMware |
345 |
.OVG - ObjectVision Converted Graphic |
Borland Software Corporation |
346 |
.OVH - OMSI Bus Settings |
Marcel Kuhnt und Rüdiger Hülsmann |
347 |
.OVL - Overlay Format |
Atari |
348 |
.OVOLOG - OoVoo Log |
ooVoo LLC |
349 |
.OVP - The Overlay Maker Package Format |
The Overlay Maker |
350 |
.OVPN - OpenVPN Config Format |
OpenVPN Technologies |
351 |
.OVR - Overlay Format |
The Overlay Maker |
352 |
.OVS - Ovation 1 Style Sheet |
David Pilling |
353 |
.OVW - Logic Pro Overview Format |
Apple |
354 |
.OW - Free Pascal For Windows Object Format |
Free Pascal |
355 |
.OWC - OutWit Hub OutWit Catch Db Format |
OutWit Technologies |
356 |
.OWG - OutWit Hub OutWit Gear Outwit Thesaurus Db Format |
OutWit Technologies |
357 |
.OWL - OWL (Obfuscated Weird Language) Source Code Format |
N/A |
358 |
.OWM - OutWit Hub OutWit Mashup XML Format |
OutWit Technologies |
359 |
.OWR - PeopleSoft Results Archive |
Oracle Corporation |
360 |
.OWS - Web Studio Project |
Beach Software, LLC |
361 |
.OWT - Ancestry.com OneWorldTree |
Ancestry.com Inc. |
362 |
.OX - Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language |
Jurgen A Doornik |
363 |
.OXD - PS3 Proxy Server |
N/A |
364 |
.OXF - IBM Rational Rhapsody |
N/A |
365 |
.OXO - Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language |
Jurgen A Doornik |
366 |
.OXPS - Windows 8 OpenXPS Document Format |
Microsoft |
367 |
.OXT - OpenOffice.org Extension Help Format |
Sun Microsystems |
368 |
.OXYGENE - Oxygene Project Format |
RemObjects |
369 |
.OYX - IBM Lotus Approach Alternate Database Index Format |
N/A |
370 |
.OYZ - Lotus Approach Alternate DBASE Index |
dataBased Intelligence, Inc. |
371 |
.OZ - Opera Job Management Compressed Format |
Opera Company |
372 |
.OZF2 - OziExplorer Map |
Des & Lorraine Newman |
373 |
.OZFX3 - OziExplorer Image |
Des & Lorraine Newman |
374 |
.OZJ - Mu Online Graphic |
Webzen |
375 |
.OZP - Orgadata LogiKal |
Orgadata AG |
376 |
.OZT - Mu Online Texture |
Webzen |